An Inspirational Journal by Margaret O’Brien
This journal offers you the space and the tools to pause and take stock of how you are on a daily basis. It uniquely uses the Beaufort Wind Scale as a tool to scaffold your reflections and monitor your inner weather. You will also find here a daily invitation to notice beauty in your day and the opportunity for a guided weekly reflection.
Over time, you will find that noticing daily beauty has positive ripple effects in your daily life, increasing your sense of emotional resilience and connection.
If you do the simple daily exercises in Weather Report over the coming ninety days, you will discover through noticing and naming, by even momentarily paying attention, that this practice will work its magic for you in subtly beneficial and at times surprising ways.
Weather Report is a book that has my name on the cover, but as you complete it day by day it will become uniquely yours. Fill it with your experiences, observations, discoveries as you live your life. May it help you weather any storm and bring light to your days.

“I looked forward to writing into Weather Report the simple things that I found beautiful each day. It was lovely to take time out each day to check in with myself, to take stock of things. I found myself noticing things and thinking, ‘I must add this to my journal’. It will be a treat to look back on those moments. ”
Look Inside
Weather report

Praise for
“There is an awareness of the human condition in these pages, permission for each of us to be exactly as we are just now.”
“Weather Report provides an easy yet powerful writing practice that is both empowering and therapeutic. Margaret O’Brien brilliantly uses the Beaufort Wind Scale for tracking personal change each day. Sensory questions about our internal state raise awareness and increase mindfulness. What do you feel? What do you notice in your body? Tracking “our internal weather” shows how even profound grief and loss are not static. The daily writing practice concludes with an invitation to find one thing beautiful in each day. As a therapist, I tell my clients, “Writing is like having a therapist available 24/7”. The subtle influence in Weather Report, of focusing on what is true and beautiful builds over time and sets a positive tone for the future. Weather Report is set up as a 90-day guide that becomes a valuable daily practice. I highly recommend it!”
“The Weather Report workbook can change your life one small step at a time. It is profound in its simplicity, beauty and gentle guidance. I would recommend it to anybody who is struggling to name their feelings or appreciate the fullness of the present moment, be it during difficult life transitions or under the pressures of everyday living.”
“Working my way through Weather Report, I began to realise an almost childlike sense of being in the ‘Now’. With the listening and watching came a stillness and quiet. I was surprised by jewel-like micro moments of pure joy and wonder. Any inner turmoil was calmed. ”
“I loved the whole experience of completing Weather Report. How simple to use but what amazing awareness came from the invitation to pause and review, to notice and name. It was the correct amount of daily and weekly input. The quotations were inspiring, the weekly review excellent too. Responding to the question on why the three small things went well was useful. I loved the hope that was contained in the final request each week … to write down something I am looking forward to.”